Solar Farm

Because global commitments such as RE100 are gaining traction, most corporations today seek to obtain as much of their power as possible from renewable energy sources. While rooftop or distributed solar is a great way to get started, many of our clients need more space within their facilities to install a power plant to provide most of their energy needs.

Grid-connected or ‘Open Access’ solar power from remote Solar Farms solves this issue by supplying up to 100 per cent of our client’s energy needs through the grid. Adobe India, one of our open-access clients, obtains all the energy it needs for its Bangalore facility from our solar farms in Karnataka.

For a business, sourcing renewable energy achieves the dual objectives of substantial electricity cost savings and progress towards sourcing 100 per cent renewable power. Open-access solar power is a popular power generation option that allows businesses like yours to meet all their electricity requirements at tariffs lower than the current grid electricity rates and with tariff certainty for the next 20 to 25 years.

Today we have an extensive network of private offsite open-access renewable energy farms across India, through which we supply large corporates with clean energy as per their requirements.

You can procure low-cost renewable energy using any of the below models.

Third-Party (Open Access)

At Aadi Ideology, we can meet all your business electricity needs by supplying renewable energy from our offsite private Solar farms, Wind farms and Wind Solar Hybrid (WSH) Farms across India. Open access power tariffs are much cheaper than grid tariffs. Moreover, this model allows consumers to overcome the limitations of onsite solar installation, as it is a scalable option not constrained by space availability at your facility. With open-access power, you enjoy affordable renewable energy from day one.

Businesses like yours are considering renewable power over conventional power for many reasons. For industrial and commercial consumers, open access power translates into regular electricity supply at a lower cost, helping reduce their carbon footprint.

Captive Capex

In the captive capex model, the corporate buyer for a utility-scale renewable project makes the upfront capital investment. The buyer owns the power-generating asset, and the solar power generated is used for the corporate buyer’s self-consumption.

Group Captive

A variant of the captive model is the group-captive model. Under the group-captive model, a project is developed for the collective usage of one or many corporate buyers. CleanMax sets up a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for group captive wherein the corporate buyer(s) holds only 26 percent of a project's equity and must collectively consume at least 51% of the power with the PPA. Aadi Ideology will also be responsible for building, operating and maintaining the project.